Somerset Raritan Valley
Sewerage Authority

Industrial Pretreatment Program

The Somerset Raritan Valley Sewerage Authority is a Delegated Local Agency within the State of New Jersey, responsible for operating an Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP).

All Industrial Users discharging greater than 500 gallons per day should submit an Application for Non-Domestic Wastewater Discharge, found below.  The Authority will then determine if an Industrial Pretreatment Program Permit is needed.

Industrial Users discharging less than 500 gallons per day may alternately submit an Application for De Minimis Industrial User Classification.

IPP Permitting Process:

  • Applicant submits completed permit application with $150 application fee. Applicants proposing new discharges should contact the Authority regarding sampling prior to submitting an application.  See application for additional instructions.
  • The Authority will issue a preliminary draft permit for review by the applicant.
  • The Authority will issue a draft permit and publish notice for a 30-day public comment period.
  • The issuance of the permit will be on the Agenda for the Authority’s next board meeting

The IPP permitting process is separate from the sewer extension process, and an IPP permit must be applied for separately.

IPP Requirements:

  • Permitted Industrial Users are required to submit monthly and quarterly self-monitoring reports and to conduct routine discharge monitoring (frequency and parameters are specified in individual permits).  Permits are effective for five years and a renewal application is due 180 days prior to the expiration of the existing permit.
  • The Authority performs facility inspections and conducts additional discharge monitoring, typically annually.  Permitted Industrial Users are required to reimburse the Authority for the cost of the discharge monitoring conducted by the Authority.  Permitted Industrial Users are also charged an annual Administration Fee.
  • In accordance with Federal and State regulations, the IPP is to be financially self-supporting, based on the actual cost of administering the program.  Federal Regulation 40 CFR 35.2140 establishes the requirements and legal basis for a publicly-owned treatment works (POTW) user charge system.  These regulations require that the users of a POTW system pay for the usage of it.  These rules have been interpreted to require that Industrial Users must pay for the pretreatment program as they are the actual users of the program.  Accordingly, the IPP Administration Fee covers the actual costs of the administration of the program and represents the amount of money that the program repays the Authority’s operational budget for costs incurred for the previous year.


Contacting SRVSA in an Emergency:

In the event of an upset, spill, slug, unusual discharge or serious pH violation (less than 4.2 or greater than 9.8) at your facility you must report the emergency within 15 minutes (if toxic/hazardous) per NJDEP regulations or within 2 hours (if non-hazardous), in accordance with Permit Section III.E.1.

Emergency Contact Procedures:

Please call the following phone numbers and speak with one of SRVSA’s employees:

  • Liquid Division Operator Emergency Number: 908-458-1069
  • Ronald Anastasio, Executive Director 732-469-0593 x234
  • Anthony Tambasco, Plant Superintendent 908-419-7978
  • Michael Ingenito, Chief Plant Operator 908-698-3118
  • SRVSA Main Number 732-469-0593 x200

Leaving a voicemail or sending an email is not acceptable as notification.  Please have the information required under Section III.E.1.a of your permit readily available.  If possible, fax SDSs to 732-469-1446.

Any questions related to the Industrial Pretreatment Program should be directed to Eleanor Hoffman, P.E., Regulatory Compliance Engineer ([email protected]).